Get Started

Here you'll find the developer documentation for Wise Agent API.

Updated 11/21/2024

Request API Access

OAuth 2.0 Authentication

OAuth2.0 using the "authorization code" flow.

You will need an OAuth Client ID and Client Secret.

Please provide the following information:
  • Name of your Application
  • A publicly accessible URL to a logo
  • Redirect Domain for your application. Ex:
  • List of scopes to access. See scopes below
OAuth 2.0 Scopes

Wiseagent API supports the following scopes:

  • profile: Read profile information including Email, Name, Company
  • team: Read or Update inside team members / update inside team assignments
  • marketing: Read or Update marketing programs
  • contacts: Read, Update, or Create contacts.
  • properties: Read or Update properties.
  • calendar: Read or Update Calendar/Planner.

Request an OAuth ClientID and Secret

Retrieve access_token

Begin by sending a GET to

Include the following query parameters:

  • client_id : Your OAuth Client ID
  • redirect_uri : The full URL to the endpoint which will receive an authorization code.
  • response_type : 'code' for authorization code flow.
  • scope : A space-delimited list of scopes to authorize.

Use the crafted URL to create a link or button within your application. Once clicked, an OAuth consent screen will appear. Users will have the ability to login to their Wise Agent account, view the data they are about to share with your app, and approve or deny individual scopes.

OAuth Consent Initial Screen OAuth Consent Login Screen OAuth Consent Permissions Screen

The entire sequence of events should look like this:

OAuth Consent Flow
Retrieve the authorization code at your redirect_uri

Example Request to be consumed by your endpoint at redirect_uri


Query Parameters

  • code : The authorization code. This is the code you will use to exchange for an access_token.
  • expires_at : The time at which the authorization code will expire in UTC format.
  • scope : The scopes approved by the end user. Space-delimited

Exchange authorization code for access_token

Once the user has authorized your application, they will be redirected to the redirect_uri you provided in the previous step. The redirect_uri will receive a query parameter named code. This is the authorization code.

Send a POST request to

Be sure to send this request from your application server, and not a front-end application.

Include the following parameters as part of the body, in JSON format:

                                    "client_id": "Your_Client_ID",
                                    "client_secret": "Your_Client_Secret",
                                    "code": "The_Authorization_Code",
                                    "grant_type": "authorization_code"

Alternatively, the client_id and client_secret can be sent as an authorization header.

To generate this header, concatenate client_id and client_secret and encode with Base64. Ex: Base64Encode(client_id + ':' + client_secret)

                                Authorization: Basic Base64EncodedCredentials

Example Response:

                                    "access_token": "Your_Access_Token",
                                    "expires_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                                    "refresh_token": "Your_Refresh_Token",

Making API Requests with OAuth 2.0


Requests to the API require authentication. When the request is made, the following header should be provided, replacing "access_token" with the access token retrieved in the previous step. If this authorization header isn't provided, the request will fail.

                                Authorization: Bearer access_token

In the event that an access_token is expired, the following response will be received along with a 401 Unauthorized status code.

                                    "error": "invalid_grant",
                                    "error_description": "The token has expired"

Refresh the token by sending a POST to with the following parameters.

                                    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
                                    "refresh_token": "Your_Refresh_Token",

The response will be the same as the previous /token response.

Disconnect OAuth 2.0 Apps

Send a POST request to

Include the following parameters as part of the body, in x-www-form-urlencoded format:


Revoking a refresh token does not immediately disconnect the app, but it disables the capability to refresh an expired access token.

Revoking an access token instantly revokes access.

Accept & Content-Type Headers

Add an 'Accept' header of application/json to the request.

                                Accept: application/json

Add a 'Content-Type' header of application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the request.

                                Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Example cURL Request

Replace [access_token] with token from OAuth Authentication

                                curl --location --request POST '' \
                                --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
                                --header 'Authorization: Bearer [access_token]' \
                                --header 'Accept: application/json' \
                                --data-urlencode 'CFirst=John' \
                                --data-urlencode '' \
                                --data-urlencode 'Source=API' \
                                --data-urlencode 'CLast=BECKER' \
                                --data-urlencode 'address=11657 E Carol Ave' \
                                --data-urlencode 'city=Scottsdale' \
                                --data-urlencode 'state=AZ' \
                                --data-urlencode 'zip=85259' \
                                --data-urlencode 'country=USA' \

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getUser"


                                "[ {"First": string, "Last": string, "Email": string} ]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Use this call to retrieve a json list of team members.

Submit following fields using http GET to:

The returned attribute InsideTeamId can be used to assign leads via "webcontact" request.

                                requestType = "getTeam"


                                [{"InsideTeamId":1,"Name":"Team Member Name", "Phone":"123-456-7890", "Cell":"123-456-7891", "Email":"", "JobTitle":"Broker"}]

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Use this call to retrieve a json list of outside team members. the value can be used in the OutsideTeamAssignment field in the webcontact method.

submit following fields using http GET to:

Returned Email can be used to assign leads via "webcontact" request.

                                requestType = "getOutsideTeam"


                                [{"TeamMember": "Team MemberName","Email": "","Cell": "123-456-7891","Phone": "123-456-7891"}]

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "calls"
                                callId = integer (unique identifier) - required if "clientId" not sent - will return specific call
                                clientId = integer/string - required if "callId" not sent - will return list of calls of contact. Prepend with "V" for vendors.

                                page = integer
                                page_size = integer
                                orderByNextContactDate = true - if true, will return list ordering by Next Contact Date Desc (otherwise date created asc)


                                    "Data": [{
                                        "CallId": "11598",
                                        "Completed": "false",
                                        "FlagImportant": "true",
                                        "Reason": "",
                                        "AssignedTo": "Team Member Name",
                                        "InsideTeamId": ""
                                        "DateAdded": "7/20/2020 7:00:00 AM UTC",
                                        "NextContactDate": "7/20/2020 6:03:36 PM",
                                        "ClientId": "234",
                                        "CallType": ""

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getSingleContact"
                                clientID = clientID of contact in Wise Agent you wish to retrieve information for. Prepend with 'V' for vendors

returns (for clients)

                                        "ClientID": 1822535,
                                        "CFirst": "",
                                        "CLast": "",
                                        "Title": "",
                                        "Categories": "[{\"name\":\"02 Trial\"},{\"name\":\"100 Top PAST Clients - Magazine List\"}]",
                                        "InsideTeamAssignment": "[{\"InsideTeamId\":1},{\"InsideTeamId\":98}]",
                                        "OutsideTeamAssignment": "[{\"TeamMember\":\"Team
                                        "HomePhone": "",
                                        "MobilePhone": "",
                                        "WorkPhone": "",
                                        "SpouseFirst": "",
                                        "SpouseLast": "",
                                        "CEmail": "",
                                        "Company": "",
                                        "AddressStreet": "",
                                        "Source": "",
                                        "AddressNumber": "",
                                        "SuiteNo": "",
                                        "County": "",
                                        "City": "",
                                        "State": "",
                                        "Zip": "",
                                        "POBox": "",
                                        "Country": "",
                                        "Rank": "Unranked",
                                        "Status": null,
                                        "DtUpdated": null,
                                        "DateUpdatedUTC": null,
                                        "DateAddedUTC": null,
                                        "LastContactDate": null,
                                        "DateMet": null,
                                        "Birthday": null,
                                        "Anniversary": null,
                                        "HomeSaleAnniversary": null,
                                        "CustomData": "[{\"Key\":\"CustomField1\",\"Value\":\"CustomValue1\"}]"
                                        "Website": "",
                                        "SpouseWebsite": "",
                                        "PreferredPhone": "'Home Phone', 'Work Phone', OR 'Cell Phone'",
                                        "SpousePreferredPhone": "'Home Phone', 'Work Phone', OR 'Cell Phone'"

returns (for vendors)

                                            "Company":"Wise Agent",
                                            "ContactName":"Bill Contact",
                                            "AlternateContact":"Jill Contact",
                                            "Address":"281 E. 56th st",

Rank Values

                                "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "Unranked"

Status Values

                                "New","Attempted","Contacted","Active","Future Opportunity", "Disqualified","Bad Lead","Closed","No Status","Inactive","Under Contract","Hot Lead","Warm Lead","Appointment Set","Showing Homes","Submitted Offers","Nurture","Rejected","Met with Client","Listing Agreement","Active Listing"

Required OAuth scopes: 'calendar'

submit following parameters using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getCalendar"
                                startDate* = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour AZ timezone Start date of calendar events *Required
                                endDate* = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour AZ timezone End date of calendar events *Required

Notice: All repeating type events are expanded into single instances of events.


                                "PlannerID": 269399,
                                "Subject": "Early Morning Meeting",
                                "Memo": null,
                                "StartDate": "5/14/2024 10:00:00 AM",
                                "EndDate": "5/14/2024 10:30:00 AM",
                                "AllDayEvent": false,
                                "Completed": false,
                                "EventColor": "",
                                "EventIcon": "",
                                "location": "",
                                "InsideTeamID": 0,
                                "Attendees": "C1234,C4567"

Attendees are a comma separated list of ClientIDs. These can be used to assign events to contacts. They are prepended with a letter 'C' to signify clients, or a 'V' for vendors


Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following parameters using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getContactsCount"
                                dtupdated = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour AZ timezone (not required) will return contacts updated since date given
                                DateUpdatedUTC = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour time UTC (not required) will return contacts updated since date given as UTC
                                sources = "Zillow,Trulia" comma delimited sources are accepted and return "or" results

The following are query parameters that will be considered exclusively (i.e. if 'email' and 'phone' params are sent, only 'email' will be applied to the query.

                                email = "" * date parameters will be disregarded
                                phone = numeric only "4808360345" * date parameters will be disregarded
                                categories = "my contact" comma delimited categories are accepted and return "or" results, unless sending "categoryAll" param as true.
                                categoryAll = true will take sent categories and apply an "AND" filter
                                nameQuery = "John" will check contacts' First, Last, and Company to see if either is similar to search param 



Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getContacts"
                                dtupdated = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour AZ timezone (not required) will return contacts updated since date given
                                DateUpdatedUTC = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" - 24 hour time UTC (not required) will return contacts updated since date given as UTC
                                sources = "Zillow,Trulia" comma delimited sources are accepted and return "or" results

The following are query parameters that will be considered exclusively (i.e. if 'email' and 'phone' params are sent, only 'email' will be applied to the query.

                                email = "" * date parameters will be disregarded
                                phone = numeric only "4808360345" * date parameters will be disregarded
                                categories = "my contact" comma delimited categories are accepted and return "or" results, unless sending "categoryAll" param as true.
                                categoryAll = true will take sent categories and apply an "AND" filter
                                nameQuery = "John" will check contacts' First, Last, and Company to see if either is similar to search param 
Use paging to return batches of contacts.
                                page = number (starts with 1) * if sent default "page_size" will be 100 contacts. Use with "getContactsCount" to find how many requests might need to be made.
                                page_size = number * how many contacts per page".


                                        "ClientID": 1822535,
                                        "CFirst": "",
                                        "CLast": "",
                                        "Title": "",
                                        "Categories": "[{\"name\":\"02 Trial\"},{\"name\":\"100 Top PAST Clients - Magazine List\"}]",
                                        "InsideTeamAssignment": "[{\"InsideTeamId\":1},{\"InsideTeamId\":98}]",
                                        "OutsideTeamAssignment": "[{\"TeamMember\":\"Team
                                        "HomePhone": "",
                                        "MobilePhone": "",
                                        "WorkPhone": "",
                                        "SpouseFirst": "",
                                        "SpouseLast": "",
                                        "CEmail": "",
                                        "Company": "",
                                        "AddressStreet": "",
                                        "Source": "",
                                        "AddressNumber": "",
                                        "SuiteNo": "",
                                        "County": "",
                                        "City": "",
                                        "State": "",
                                        "Zip": "",
                                        "POBox": "",
                                        "Country": "",
                                        "Rank": "Unranked",
                                        "Status": null,
                                        "DtUpdated": null,
                                        "DateUpdatedUTC": null,
                                        "DateAddedUTC": null,
                                        "LastContactDate": null,
                                        "DateMet": null,
                                        "Birthday": null,
                                        "Anniversary": null,
                                        "HomeSaleAnniversary": null,
                                        "CustomData": "[{\"Key\":\"CustomField1\",\"Value\":\"CustomValue1\"}]"
                                        "Website": "",
                                        "SpouseWebsite": "",
                                        "PreferredPhone": "'Home Phone', 'Work Phone', OR 'Cell Phone'",
                                        "SpousePreferredPhone": "'Home Phone', 'Work Phone', OR 'Cell Phone'"

Rank Values

                                "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "Unranked"

Status Values

                                "New","Attempted","Contacted","Active","Future Opportunity", "Disqualified","Bad Lead","Closed","No Status","Inactive","Under Contract","Hot Lead","Warm Lead","Appointment Set","Showing Homes","Submitted Offers","Nurture","Rejected","Met with Client","Listing Agreement","Active Listing"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getClientAddresses"
                                ClientID = clientID of contact in Wise Agent you wish to retrieve information for

These are 'extra' addresses. The client's primary address can be retrieved from the getSingleContact or getContacts request types.


                                    "ClientAddressID": 539291,
                                    "ClientID": 88495232,
                                    "AddressType": "Business",
                                    "AddressNum": "5636",
                                    "Address": "E McDowell Rd",
                                    "SuiteNo": "",
                                    "POBox": "",
                                    "BldgFloor": "",
                                    "City": "Phoenix",
                                    "State": "AZ",
                                    "Zip": "85008",
                                    "County": "",
                                    "Country": "United States",
                                    "MLS": "",
                                    "Subdivision": null,
                                    "Township": null

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getAllCategoriesWithCount"


                                {"name":"1234","id":11017,"clientCount":6},{"name":"Alec GreenE","id":11007,"clientCount":0}]} 

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getCategoryClientCount"
                                category = name of category that you want the client count for


                                "[{"success": "true", "categorycount": 7}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getVendors"

The following are query parameters that will be considered exclusively (i.e. if 'email' and 'phone' params are sent, only 'email' will be applied to the query.

                                email = ""
                                phone = "4808360345" 
                                types = "Cooperating-Agent" comma delimited types 
                                nameQuery = "Bill Contact" will check Company name, Contact name, & Alternate Contact Name
Use paging to return batches of contacts.
                                page = number (starts with 1) * if sent default "page_size" will be 100 contacts. Use with "getContactsCount" to find how many requests might need to be made.
                                page_size = number * how many contacts per page".


                                            "Company":"Wise Agent",
                                            "ContactName":"Bill Contact",
                                            "AlternateContact":"Jill Contact",
                                            "Address":"281 E. 56th st",

Common 'Type' Values



Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getProperty"
                                propertyID = Numeric ID of a property
                                StreetNum = Street Number
                                Street = Street Name
                                State = Region/State
                                PostalCode = Postal/ZIP Code
                                MLS = MLS Number

Note: if propertyID is not supplied, then at least one of the remaining fields must be supplied.


                                        "PropertyID": "12434",
                                        "StreetNum": "13400",
                                        "Street": "E Shea Blvd",
                                        "City": "",
                                        "State": "",
                                        "PostalCode": "",
                                        "Subdivision": "",
                                        "County": "",
                                        "POBox": "",
                                        "Country": "",
                                        "Suite": "",
                                        "LotNum": "",
                                        "MLS": "",
                                        "primaryPhoto": URL,
                                        "Details": {
                                            "ListingPrice": int,
                                            "LastSalePrice": int,
                                            "YearBuilt": "",
                                            "TaxesAnnual": "",
                                            "HOAAnnual": "",
                                            "NumBedrooms": "",
                                            "NumBathrooms": "",
                                            "NumHalfBathrooms": "",
                                            "SquareFt": "",
                                            "LotSize": "",
                                            "DateListed": "MM/DD/YYYY",
                                            "PropertyType": "",
                                            "ListingStatus": "",
                                            "DiningRooms": "",
                                            "DiningRoomDesc": "",
                                            "LivingRooms": "",
                                            "LivingRoomDesc": "",
                                            "InteriorFeaturesDesc": "",
                                            "ExteriorFeaturesDesc": "",
                                            "StyleDesc": "",
                                            "DesignDesc": "",
                                            "Fireplaces": "",
                                            "Stories": "",
                                            "Garage": "",
                                            "AgentName": "",
                                            "AgentPhone": "",
                                            "AgentEmail": "",
                                            "AgentID": "0",
                                            "BrokerName": "",
                                            "BrokerEmail": "",
                                            "BrokerPhone": "",
                                            "OfficeName": "",
                                            "OfficeEmail": "",
                                            "OfficePhone": "",
                                            "OfficeID": "0",
                                            "FranchiseName": "",
                                            "FranchiseEmail": "",
                                            "FranchisePhone": "",
                                            "Description": "",
                                            "SchoolDistrict": "",

returns on error

                                    {"status":"error","data":{"message": "Property ID 79899 Does not exist"}}


Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

Use showArchived=true to list only archived properties, otherwise, only non-archived properties are returned

                                requestType = "getProperties"
                                showArchived = "true" or "false" (default false)
                                page = number (starts with 1) * Default "page" will be 1, if ommitted - ordered by most recent.
                                page_size = number * how many properties per page. Default "page_size" will be 50 properties, if ommitted.


                                        "PropertyID": "12434",
                                        "StreetNum": "13400",
                                        "Street": "E Shea Blvd",
                                        "City": "",
                                        "State": "",
                                        "PostalCode": "",
                                        "Subdivision": "",
                                        "County": "",
                                        "POBox": "",
                                        "Country": "",
                                        "Suite": "",
                                        "LotNum": "",
                                        "MLS": "",
                                        "primaryPhoto": URL,
                                        "Details": {
                                            "ListingPrice": int,
                                            "LastSalePrice": int,
                                            "YearBuilt": "",
                                            "TaxesAnnual": "",
                                            "HOAAnnual": "",
                                            "NumBedrooms": "",
                                            "NumBathrooms": "",
                                            "NumHalfBathrooms": "",
                                            "SquareFt": "",
                                            "LotSize": "",
                                            "DateListed": "MM/DD/YYYY",
                                            "PropertyType": "",
                                            "ListingStatus": "",
                                            "DiningRooms": "",
                                            "DiningRoomDesc": "",
                                            "LivingRooms": "",
                                            "LivingRoomDesc": "",
                                            "InteriorFeaturesDesc": "",
                                            "ExteriorFeaturesDesc": "",
                                            "StyleDesc": "",
                                            "DesignDesc": "",
                                            "Fireplaces": "",
                                            "Stories": "",
                                            "Garage": "",
                                            "AgentName": "",
                                            "AgentPhone": "",
                                            "AgentEmail": "",
                                            "AgentID": "0",
                                            "BrokerName": "",
                                            "BrokerEmail": "",
                                            "BrokerPhone": "",
                                            "OfficeName": "",
                                            "OfficeEmail": "",
                                            "OfficePhone": "",
                                            "OfficeID": "0",
                                            "FranchiseName": "",
                                            "FranchiseEmail": "",
                                            "FranchisePhone": "",
                                            "Description": "",
                                            "SchoolDistrict": "",


Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getPropertySearchCriteria"
                                SearchID = SearchID supplied from 'getPropertySearchCriteriaList'


                                        "propCity": "Mesa",
                                        "propZip": "85212",
                                        "propType": "Residential",
                                        "propArea": "Highland Ridge",
                                        "propNotes": "Extra Notes",
                                        "minPrice": 100000,
                                        "maxPrice": 200000,
                                        "propBath": 2,
                                        "propBed": 2,
                                        "propRentOwn": "",
                                        "propMoving": 3,
                                        "propSqft": 0

If no PropertySearchCriteria was found for this searchID, an empty object will be returned


Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getPropertySearchCriteriaList"
                                clientID = ClientID supplied from 'getContacts'


                                        "propertySearchCriteria": [
                                                "SearchID": "1234",
                                                "propCity": "Mesa",
                                                "propZip": "85212",
                                                "propType": "Residential",
                                                "propArea": "Highland Ridge",
                                                "propNotes": "Extra Notes",
                                                "minPrice": 100000,
                                                "maxPrice": 200000,
                                                "propBath": 2,
                                                "propBed": 2,
                                                "propRentOwn": "",
                                                "propMoving": 3,
                                                "propSqft": 0

If no PropertySearchCriteria was found for this ClientID, an empty array will be returned

                                    "propertySearchCriteria": []

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Submit following parameters using http GET to

Number of notes returned will be 100, unless specified with paging params

                                requestType = "getContactNotes"
                                ClientID = clientID of contact in Wise Agent. Prepend with 'V' for vendors.
                                NoteID = Unique identifier for a single contact note.
                                categories = Comma-separated list of category names, e.g. 'Calllist' OR 'Buyer' OR 'Calllist,Buyer' (not required) will return all contact notes if omitted 
                                subject = Note Subject(not required)
                                date = MM/DD/YYYY" or "YYYY-MM-DD(not required) will return notes written on this date
Use paging to return batches of contact notes.
                                page = number (starts with 1) * Default "page" will be 1, if ommitted.
                                page_size = number * how many notes per page. Default "page_size" will be 100 notes, if ommitted.


                                        "Note":"String", //Note content (can contain HTML)
                                        "NoteDate":"11/2/2020 1:42:00 PM",
                                        "insideteamid":0, //Note added by inside team member. 0 = All


Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getPrograms"


                                "[ {"ProgramName": "Web Auto Email Campaign", "ProgramID": "234"},{"ProgramName": "Web New Buyer Email Campaign", "ProgramID": "235"} ]" “[]" = no programs returned

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

submit following fields using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getTransactionNames"


                                "[{"CLName":"Name of Transaction","CLDataID":ID,"deleted": (1 for deleted, 0 for not deleted), "Completed": (1 or 0), "CompletedDate":"1/1/1900"}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

submit following fields using http GET to:

                                requestType = "getTransactionNotes"
                                transactionID = ID of the transaction in Wise Agent, from getTransactionNames request


                                "{Notes: [{"NoteMemo":"note text","NoteDate":"date of note"}]"
getLoginToken (SSO)

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getLoginToken"


                       access token) this link expires in 60 seconds

* You can send a "page" query parameter to send user to page. It must include full URI

Ex: access token)&page=


Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "getSources"


                                "[ {"ID": integer, "Name": "234"} ]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "tasks"
                                page = integer
                                page_size = integer - defaults to 100


                                    "Page": 1,
                                    "TotalCount": 1,
                                    "Data": [{
                                        "TaskID": "11598",
                                        "TaskDue": "",
                                        "Completed": "false",
                                        "Priority": "",
                                        "Description": "Task",
                                        "AssignedTo": "",
                                        "DateCreated": "7/20/2020 7:00:00 AM",
                                        "DateModified": "7/20/2020 6:03:36 PM",
                                        "EstimatedTime": "",
                                        "CompletedDate": "1/1/1900 7:00:00 AM",
                                        "ContactID": "0"
Content Categories

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "ContentCategories"


                                    "data": [
                                            "Category": "Buyer tools"
                                            "Category": "dff"
                                            "Category": "Prospecting"

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "Content"
                                ContentId = integer (include to receive the Html component, fetches single record.)
                                Category = string (include to receive only content with requested category.)


                                    “data”: [{
                                        “Id”: “123”,
                                        “Name”: “Buyer 01”,
                                        “Category”: “Buyer”,
                                        “Subject”: “5 Musts When Buying a New Home”,
                                        “Html”: “<h1>5 Things You Should Do Today</h1>” (only included if fetching single record)
                                        }, {
                                        “Id”: “124”,
                                        “Name”: “Buyer 02”,
                                        “Category”: “Buyer”,
                                        “Subject”: “How To Get the Lowest Rate Possible”,
                                        “Html”: “<h1>Don't Forget These 5 Things</h1>”
                                        }, {
                                        “Id”: “125”,
                                        “Name”: “Seller 01”,
                                        “Category”: “Seller”,
                                        “Subject”: “Maximize the Selling Potential of Your Home”,
                                        “Html”: “<h1>5 Simple Steps To Increase Value</h1>”
Web Hooks

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

Create a request including the following parameters using http GET to

                                requestType = "webhooks"


                                    “Data”: [{
                                        “WebhookID”: “123”,
                                        “EventType”: “contactCreate”,
                                        “Status”: “Active”,
                                        “Url”: “”
                                        }, {
                                        “WebhookID”: “124”,
                                        “EventType”: “contactUpdate”,
                                        “Status”: “Active”,
                                        “Url”: “”
                                        }, {
                                        “WebhookID”: “125”,
                                        “EventType”: “contactDelete”,
                                        “Status”: “Disabled”,
                                        “Url”: “"

Not Available for OAuth requests.

Submit a request for the register API docs by contacting your Wise Agent support contact.

Items to include in your request:
  • Authentication Token

  • A Promo Code you would like to use for this registration

Add Contact

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'


Categories and Source are important for segmenting and organizing contacts.

Sources are particularly essential for automation, as they enable distinct triggers to be set up based on the origin of each contact. For instance, if your platform has multiple pages where leads can inquire, each page should have a unique source assigned. This ensures that Wise Agent users can tailor their automation processes to suit the specific needs of different contact types, such as buyers or sellers, based on the source.


submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "webcontact"
                                CFirst: first name *required
                                CLast: last name *required
                                CEmail: email
                                HomePhome: home phone
                                Fax: fax
                                MobilePhone: mobile phone
                                WorkPhone: work phone
                                Company: company
                                AddressNumber: home street number
                                AddressStreet: home street name
                                SuiteNo: home suite Number
                                City: home city
                                State: home state
                                zip: home zip
                                country: home country
                                Website: website
                                Rank: contact rank
                                ContactStatus: contact status
                                Source: source *required
                                Categories: category(semicolon;delimited no spaces)
                                InsideTeamId: team member assignment (retrieved from getTeam request)
                                OutsideTeamAssignment: outside team member's email address for lead assignment (retrieved from getOutsideTeam request)
                                calltype: 1 for phone, 2 for email, used for call list.defaults to 2 if phone not present
                                CommaDelimitedFormFields: ex. "bedrooms,bathrooms,sqft" will pull the querystring value of listed fields and drop them into the extra details.
                                Price: price of interested home (lead distribution rule)

To record the property they are viewing, other than their home address, add the following fields. (This will appear in the additional properties section of the client summary. Do not include above property fields in request with same property information)


To record a Property Search Profile include the following form-urlencoded fields (Users are able to search contacts for similar Property Search Profiles )

                                propInfo=1 *required
                                propInfoZip *int
                                propInfoPropType = [[residential,commercial,ect]]
                                propInfoArea = [[land area]] *int
                                propInfoNotes = [[extra notes]]
                                propInfoMinPrice *int
                                propInfoMaxPrice *int
                                propInfoMinBaths *int
                                propInfoMinBeds *int
                                propInfoRentOwn = [[rent or own]]
                                propInfoMoving = [[timespan in months (ex. "3")]] *int
                                propInfoSqft = [[building sqft]] *int


                                { "success" : "true", "data" : { "ClientID" : 1854784, "NewContact" : true } }

If 'OutsideTeamAssignment' is supplied as a valid outside team member's email address, the lead rules on their account will be enacted (according to the supplied Source), bypassing any lead capture rules which may have been configured for the main account.

In the case an Outside team assignment was successful, the endpoint will also return an OutsideTeamAssignment object. The full response:

                                {"success": "true","data":{"ClientID": 1832247,"NewContact":true, "OutsideTeamAssignment": { "TeamMember": "Team MemberName", "leadStatus": "accepted" , "Cell": "(123)456-7890" , "Phone" : "(123)456-7890" , "Email" : "" , "ClientID": 1882108}  }}

If a contact already exists, we do not update the contact. We will, though, add phone numbers and emails.

                                { "success" : "true", "data" : { "ClientID" : 1854784, "NewContact" : false, "Message": "Use 'updateContact' request to update contacts." } }

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http POST to:

All parameters concerning contact information are optional and any can be omitted

                                requestType = "updateContact"
                                clientID = clientID of contact in Wise Agent
                                CFirst = updated value for first name
                                Clast = updated value for last name
                                CEmail = updated value for email
                                HomePhone = updated value for home phone number
                                MobilePhone = updated value for mobile phone number
                                WorkPhone = updated value for work phone number
                                Company = updated value for company
                                SuiteNo = updated value for home suite/apartment number
                                City = updated value for home city
                                State = updated value for home state
                                Zip = updated value for home zip
                                County = updated value for home county
                                Country = updated value for home country
                                AddressNumber = updated value for home street number
                                AddressStreet = updated value for home street name
                                Subdivision = updated value for home subdivision
                                BuildingFloor = updated value for home building floor
                                ContactStatus = one of the below Status Values
                                Rank = one of the below Rank Values

                                InsideTeamId = team member assignment (retrieved from getTeam request)
                                Reassignment = boolean (will remove other inside team assignments and assign to accompanied InsideTeamID request)

                                OutsideTeamAssignment = outside team member's email address for lead assignment (retrieved from getOutsideTeam request)

                                RemoveCategories = csv of categories (ex. "New Lead,Prospect")
                                AddCategories = csv of categories (ex. "New Lead,Prospect")

Rank Values

                                "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "Unranked"

Status Values

                                "New","Attempted","Contacted","Active","Future Opportunity", "Disqualified","Bad Lead","Closed","No Status","Inactive","Under Contract","Hot Lead","Warm Lead","Appointment Set","Showing Homes","Submitted Offers","Nurture","Rejected","Met with Client","Listing Agreement","Active Listing"

To record a Property Search Profile include the following form-urlencoded fields: (Users are able to search contacts for similar Property Search Profiles)

                                propInfo=1 *required
                                propInfoZip *int
                                propInfoPropType = [[residential,commercial,ect]]
                                propInfoArea = [[land area]] *int
                                propInfoNotes = [[extra notes]]
                                propInfoMinPrice *int
                                propInfoMaxPrice *int
                                propInfoMinBaths *int
                                propInfoMinBeds *int
                                propInfoRentOwn = [[rent or own]]
                                propInfoMoving = [[timespan in months (ex. "3")]] *int
                                propInfoSqft = [[building sqft]] *int

returns on success

                                "{"Success":"{clientID} updated"}"

returns on error

                                "{"Error":"Invalid Field {fieldName} - {clientID} not updated"}"
                                "{"Error":"Missing ClientID"}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addContactNote"
                                note = text of note to add
                                subject = subject of note to add
                                categories = comma separated string of categories to categorize note by
                                clientids = comma separated string of client or vendor ids (passed with the getContacts/getVendors methods)
                                InsideTeamId = InsideTeamID of an inside team member. (retreive team via GET requestType="getTeam")


                                "[{"success": "true","data": [{"ClientID": 1882131,"NoteID": 663505}]}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addClientAddress"
                                ClientID = clientID of contact in Wise Agent
                                AddressType = type of address
                                AddressNum = street number *required
                                Address = street name *required
                                SuiteNo = suite/apartment number
                                POBox = PO Box
                                BldgFloor = building floor
                                Subdivision = subdivision
                                City = city
                                State = state
                                Zip = zip
                                County = county
                                Country = country
                                MLS = MLS
                                Township = Township


                                {"success": true, "ClientAddressID": 539294}

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addClientsToCategory"
                                category = name of category to add
                                clientids = comma separated string of clientids (passed with the getContacts method)


                                "[{"success": "true"}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addClientsToMarketingProgram"
                                clientids = comma separated string of clientids (passed with the getContacts method)
                                programID = ID of Marketing Program for which to add clients to


                                "[{"success": "true"}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "removeClientsFromCategory"
                                category = name of category to remove
                                clientids = comma separated string of clientids (passed with the getContacts method)


                                "[{"success": "true"}]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

submit following form-urlencoded fields using http POST to:
Users are able to search contacts for similar Property Search Profiles

                                requestType = "addPropertySearchCriteria"
                                clientid = [[previously retrieved clientid]] *required
                                propInfo=1 *required
                                propInfoZip *int
                                propInfoPropType = [[residential,commercial,ect]]
                                propInfoArea = [[land area]] *int
                                propInfoNotes = [[extra notes]]
                                propInfoMinPrice *int
                                propInfoMaxPrice *int
                                propInfoMinBaths *int
                                propInfoMinBeds *int
                                propInfoRentOwn = [[rent or own]]
                                propInfoMoving = [[timespan in months (ex. "3")]] *int
                                propInfoSqft = [[building sqft]] *int


                                "{"success": "property search profile added"},{"clientid": "1074010", "searchID": "1234"}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following form-urlencoded fields using http POST to:

**City and State are only required if a Zip (Postal Code) is not supplied.

                                requestType = "addClientAddress" *required
                                clientid = [[previously retrieved clientid]] *required
                                address = Client Address (Line 1) ex: 'E. 56th St.' *required
                                addressType = Type of address, ex: 'Liked', 'Searched'. Defaults to 'other'
                                addressNum Address Number, ex: '16631' *required
                                suiteNo = Suite / Apartment Number
                                BldgFloor = Building Floor
                                poBox = P.O. Box Number
                                zip = Postal Code **required
                                state = State / Region **required
                                city = City **required
                                county = County
                                country = Country
                                subdivision = Subdivision name
                                mls = MLS number (string), ex: '1334422'


                                "{"success": true, "clientAddressID": 195655}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'planner'

submit following fields using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addPlannerEvent"
                                eventName = name of the transaction in Wise Agent *required
                                eventStartDate = start date of event in yyyy-mm-dd format *required
                                eventStartTime = start time of event in 12-hour 00:00 format
                                eventAMPM = AM or PM for event start time
                                eventEndDate = end date of event in yyyy-mm-dd format
                                eventEndTime = end time of event in 12-hour 00:00 format
                                eventEndAMPM = AM or PM for event end time



Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addProperty"
                                Archive = true or false - sets property as archived
                                AddressNum = address number - 50 char limit *required
                                Address = address street name - 250 char limit *required
                                AddressSuit = suite number - 50 char limit
                                BldgFloor = building floor - 50 char limit
                                City = 100 char limit
                                State = 50 char limit
                                Zip = 50 char limit
                                Country = 50 char limit
                                County = 50 char limit
                                Subdivision = 255 char limit
                                LotNum = lot number - 50 char limit
                                PoBox = 50 char limit
                                MLS = MLS - 50 char limit
                                mlsarea = MLS Area - 50 char limit
                                mapgrid = map grid - 50 char limit
                                TourUrl = public url for property - 1024 char limit
                                Notes = notes on property
                                ClientId = ClientId of a user's contact 
                                ClientRelation = type of relationship client has with property * if not provided, "N/A" will be used.
                                imageURLS_CSV = Image URLs to add to this property. Pass in multiple photos by separating the values with commas.
                                ListingPrice = Current listing price
                                LastSalePrice = Last sale price
                                YearBuilt = Year the property was built
                                TaxesAnnual = Annual Taxes Ammount
                                HOAAnnual = Annual HOA Taxes Ammount
                                NumBedrooms = Number of bedrooms
                                NumBathrooms = Number of bathrooms
                                SquareFt = Living Area in Square feet
                                LotSize = Lot Size
                                DateListed = Date this property was listed / will be listed
                                PropertyType = Type of property, i.e. Business, Home, Rental
                                ListingStatus = Listing Status, i.e. For Sale, Recently Sold
                                SchoolDistrict = Name of the school district for this property
                                NumHalfBathrooms = 50 char limit
                                DiningRooms = 50 char limit
                                DiningRoomDesc = 250 char limit
                                LivingRooms = 50 char limit
                                LivingRoomDesc = 250 char limit
                                InteriorFeaturesDesc = 250 char limit
                                ExteriorFeaturesDesc = 250 char limit
                                StyleDesc = 250 char limit
                                DesignDesc = 250 char limit
                                Fireplaces = 250 char limit
                                Stories = 50 char limit
                                Garage = 250 char limit
                                AgentName = 250 char limit
                                AgentPhone = 50 char limit
                                AgentEmail = 250 char limit
                                AgentID = 50 char limit
                                BrokerName = 250 char limit
                                BrokerEmail = 250 char limit
                                BrokerPhone = 50 char limit
                                OfficeName = 250 char limit
                                OfficeEmail = 250 char limit
                                OfficePhone = 50 char limit
                                OfficeID = 50 char limit
                                FranchiseName = 250 char limit
                                FranchiseEmail = 250 char limit
                                FranchisePhone = 50 char limit
                                Description = 250 char limit
                                Township = 50 char limit
                                BuyerAgent_Commission = 100 char limit
                                BuyerAgent_Concession = 255 char limit
                                SellerAgent_Commission = 100 char limit
                                SellerAgent_Concession = 255 char limit

returns on success

                                {"status": "success","data": {"propertyId": "1234"}}

returns on error

                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "Address and AddressNum must be provided"}}
                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "user not found"}}

Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addPropertyPhoto"
                                propertyId = Property ID of an existing property. Returned by 'getProperty' or 'addProperty' request types.
                                imageURLS_CSV = Image URLs to add to this property. Pass in multiple photos by separating the values with commas.

returns on success

                                {"status": "success","data": {"message": "Property Photos added."}}

returns on error

                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "Property Not Found."}}

Required OAuth scopes: 'properties', 'contacts'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addPropertyConnection"
                                PropertyID = Property ID of an existing property. Returned by 'getProperty' or 'addProperty' request types.
                                ClientID = ClientID of an existing client. Returned by 'getContacts'
                                ClientRelation = type of relationship client has with property * Default "ClientRelation" will be "N/A", if ommitted

returns on success

                                {"status": "success","data": {"message": "Client property relationship created."}}

returns on error

                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "Property Not Found."}}

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing' or 'contacts'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

Send file as a URL (must be publicly accessible)

Accepted File types: images, text documents, PDFs, etc... Application Binary / Executable files will not be accepted

Note: Maximum file size is 20MB and files added with the same name will be renamed with an appended version number

                                requestType = "attachFile"
                                CLDataID = CLDataID of a Transaction, Returned by "getTransactionNames"
                                ClientID = ClientID of an existing client. Returned by 'getContacts'
                                Description = A file description to be added to the file
                                url = Publicly accessible URL to a file

returns on success

                                {"status": "success","data": {"message": "File(s) uploaded"}}

returns on error

                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "File Exceeded maximum upload size of 20MB"}}
                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "File type not allowed"}}

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

Note: The 'Key' field must be unique per-client. Duplicates are not allowed

                                requestType = "addClientCustom"
                                ClientID = Retrieved from getContacts/getSingleContact *required
                                Key = (string) duplicates NOT allowed
                                Value = (string)

returns on success

                                {"success": true, "ClientCustomID": 115468}

returns on error

                                {"success": false, "message": "There was an error while inserting the data" }

returns on duplicate key insertion

                                {"success": false, "message": "Duplicate Key 'BuyersLink' cannot be inserted for ClientID 1187985" }

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "addCategories"
                                categories = csv of categories (ex. "New Lead,Prospect")

returns on success

                                {"success": true, "categories": [{"catName":"New Lead","catID":"1"},{"catName":"

returns on error

                                {"Error": "Missing Categories CSV" }

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http POST to

                                requestType = "calls"

                                NextContactDate  = YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
                                CallType  = string
                                Completed  = boolean (call will show as completed)
                                FlagImportant  = boolean
                                InsideTeamId  = integer - retreive team via GET requestType="getTeam". Otherwise, send "AssignedTo" as the Team member name 
                                AssignedTo  = Team Member Name - send if InsideTeamId not available.
                                Reason  = string - limit 100 characters
                                ClientId  = integer/string - unique identifier of contact. Prepend with 'V' for vendors. 


                                "{"success": true, "id": 123}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Create a request including the following parameters using http POST to

                                requestType = "tasks"

                                Description  = 
                                TaskNote  = "limit 2048 characters"
                                TaskDue  = MM/DD/YYYY format
                                Priority  = integer 0-3 - "0":"None", "1":"Low", "2":"Medium","3":"High"
                                InsideTeamId  = retreive team via GET requestType="getTeam".
                                EstimatedTime  = interger 0-4 - "0": "None", "1": "Less than 15 Minutes", "2":"15 - 30 Minutes","3":"30 - 60 Minutes","4":"More than an hour"
                                ContactID  = 234 - ID of contact. Prepend with 'V' for vendors. 
                                Completed  = yes or no


                                "{"success": true, "TaskID": 123}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'marketing'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "content"
                                ContentId: integer (not required, include if update) = 0
                                Name: string (100 char limit) = "Buyer 01" *Required 
                                Category: string (50 char limit) = "Buyer"
                                Subject: string (100 char limit) = "5 Musts When Buying a New Home"
                                Html = "<h1>5 Things You Should Do Today</h1>" *Required


Web Hooks

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

submit following form-urlencoded using http POST to:

                                requestType = "webhooks"
                                Status = (Active, Disabled)
                                EventType = One of the following: contactCreate, contactUpdate, contactDelete,taskCreate,taskUpdate,taskDelete,propertyCreate,propertyUpdate,propertyDelete,noteCreate,noteUpdate.
                                Url = “



Ex. expect the following request data to be sent to provided Url for a 'contactUpdate' event. After receiving request, follow up with a request to Wise Agent API for a 'getSingleContact' request to get updated information.

                                {"EventType":"contactUpdate", "EventCreated": DateTime.UTC, "ResourceIds": [clientId]}

Certain webhook events will include a more specific "EventType" in post to help customize your programmability.

  • 'contactUpdate': "contactUpdateCategory", "contactUpdateStatus", "contactUpdateSource" or "contactUpdate"
  • "taskUpdate": "taskUpdateComplete" or "taskUpdate"
                                    {"EventType":"contactUpdateCategory", "EventCreated": DateTime.UTC, "ResourceIds": [clientId]}

Notice: noteCreate and noteUpdate webhook events are triggered by manual note changes/additions only. Notes added from other sources will not trigger this event.


Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following parameters and JSON body using http PUT to:

Querystring or Form Field Params

                                    apikey = 32 char alphanumeric string

If SingleClient is not null, then only the single client information is processed. Otherwise, all the data in BulkClients (if any and not null) is processed.


                                "ClientId": number,
                                "UrlVisited": string (URI format),
                                "Label": string (250 char limit),
                                "DateTimeVisited": string (UTC format),



                                "SingleClient": ClientVisitedDomainDto?,
                                "BulkClients": ClientVisitedDomainDto[]?,

On Success

                                200 OK

On Error

                                401 Unauthorized "No access token provided."
                                401 Unauthorized "Access token is invalid."
                                401 Unauthorized "No user apikey provided."
                                401 Unauthorized "User apikey is invalid."
                                404 Not Found    "User with that apikey not found."
                                404 Not Found    "Client with that ClientId not found."
                                400 Bad Request  "No SingleClient or BulkClients objects provided."

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http PUT to:

                                requestType = "updateContactNote"
                                noteID = The NoteID of the note you want to update
                                note = text of note to add
                                subject = subject of note to add
                                vendor = "true" if this is a vendor note, defaults to "false"

Notes which have been locked cannot be updated with this method.


                                "[{"success": "true" }]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http PUT to:

                                requestType = "updateContactNoteCategories"
                                noteID = The NoteID of the note you want to update categories
                                categories = comma separated string of categories to categorize note by
                                vendor = "true" if this is a vendor note, defaults to "false"

Notes which have been locked cannot be updated with this method.


                                "[{"success": "true" }]"
Web Hooks

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

Create a request including the following parameters using http PUT to

                                requestType = "webhooks"
                                WebhookID = 123
                                Status = (Active, Disabled)
                                EventType = (contactCreate, contactUpdate, contactDelete, taskCreate,taskUpdate,taskDelete,propertyCreate,propertyUpdate,propertyDelete,noteCreate,noteUpdate)
                                Url = “



Notice: noteCreate and noteUpdate webhook events are triggered by manual note changes/additions only. Notes added from other sources will not trigger this event.


Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http DELETE to

Update existing ClientCustomData by Key, or edit both Key & Value fields by supplying a ClientCustomID

                                requestType = "editClientCustomData"
                                ClientID = 1182332 *Required
                                Key = (string), the Key to use for the data*
                                Value = (string), the Value of the given Key
                                ClientCustomID = 27392 **

* 'Key' is required if 'ClientCustomID' is not supplied.

** ClientCustomID is required if 'Key' is not supplied.




Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Create a request including the following parameters using http PUT to

                                requestType = "updateProperty"
                                propertyID* = Numeric ID of a property (* required)
                                Archive = true or false - sets property as archived
                                AddressNum = address number - 50 char limit *required
                                Address = address street name - 250 char limit *required
                                AddressSuit = suite number - 50 char limit
                                BldgFloor = building floor - 50 char limit
                                City = 100 char limit
                                State = 50 char limit
                                Zip = 50 char limit
                                Country = 50 char limit
                                County = 50 char limit
                                Subdivision = 255 char limit
                                LotNum = lot number - 50 char limit
                                PoBox = 50 char limit
                                MLS = MLS - 50 char limit
                                mlsarea = MLS Area - 50 char limit
                                mapgrid = map grid - 50 char limit
                                TourUrl = public url for property - 1024 char limit
                                Notes = notes on property
                                ClientId = ClientId of a user's contact 
                                ClientRelation = type of relationship client has with property
                                ListingPrice = Current listing price
                                LastSalePrice = Last sale price
                                YearBuilt = Year the property was built
                                TaxesAnnual = Annual Taxes Ammount
                                HOAAnnual = Annual HOA Taxes Ammount
                                NumBedrooms = Number of bedrooms
                                NumBathrooms = Number of bathrooms
                                SquareFt = Living Area in Square feet
                                LotSize = Lot Size
                                DateListed = Date this property was listed / will be listed
                                PropertyType = Type of property, i.e. Business, Home, Rental
                                ListingStatus = Listing Status, i.e. For Sale, Recently Sold
                                SchoolDistrict = Name of the school district for this property
                                NumHalfBathrooms = 50 char limit
                                DiningRooms = 50 char limit
                                DiningRoomDesc = 250 char limit
                                LivingRooms = 50 char limit
                                LivingRoomDesc = 250 char limit
                                InteriorFeaturesDesc = 250 char limit
                                ExteriorFeaturesDesc = 250 char limit
                                StyleDesc = 250 char limit
                                DesignDesc = 250 char limit
                                Fireplaces = 250 char limit
                                Stories = 50 char limit
                                Garage = 250 char limit
                                AgentName = 250 char limit
                                AgentPhone = 50 char limit
                                AgentEmail = 250 char limit
                                AgentID = 50 char limit
                                BrokerName = 250 char limit
                                BrokerEmail = 250 char limit
                                BrokerPhone = 50 char limit
                                OfficeName = 250 char limit
                                OfficeEmail = 250 char limit
                                OfficePhone = 50 char limit
                                OfficeID = 50 char limit
                                FranchiseName = 250 char limit
                                FranchiseEmail = 250 char limit
                                FranchisePhone = 50 char limit
                                Description = 250 char limit
                                Township = 50 char limit
                                BuyerAgent_Commission = 100 char limit
                                BuyerAgent_Concession = 255 char limit
                                SellerAgent_Commission = 100 char limit
                                SellerAgent_Concession = 255 char limit


Note: Only supplied fields will be updated

returns on success

                                {"status": "success","data": {"propertyId": "1234"}}

returns on error

                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "Property not found"}}
                                {"status": "error","data": "{message": "user not found"}}


Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

submit following form-urlencoded fields using http PUT to:
Users are able to search contacts for similar Property Search Profiles

                                requestType = "updatePropertySearchCriteria"
                                searchID = [[previously retrieved searchID]] *required
                                propInfo=1 *required
                                propZip *int
                                propType = [[residential,commercial,ect]]
                                propArea = [[land area]] *int
                                propNotes = [[extra notes]]
                                minPrice *int
                                maxPrice *int
                                propBath *int
                                propBed *int
                                propRentOwn = [[rent or own]]
                                propMoving = [[timespan in months (ex. "3")]] *int
                                propSqft = [[building sqft]] *int


                                "{"success": true}"

Error response

                                "{""error"": ""SearchID not found""}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http PUT to

                                requestType = "calls"
                                CallId = intiger - unique identifier

                                NextContactDate  = YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
                                CallType  = string
                                Completed  = boolean (call will show as completed)
                                DateCompleted  = date time (UTC) 
                                FlagImportant  = boolean
                                InsideTeamId  = integer - retreive team via GET requestType="getTeam". Otherwise, send "AssignedTo" as the Team member name 
                                AssignedTo  = Team Member Name - send if InsideTeamId not available.
                                Reason  = string - limit 100 characters
                                ClientId  = integer - unique identifier of contact 


                                "{"success": true, "id": 123}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Create a request including the following parameters using http PUT to

                                requestType = "tasks"
                                TaskID = 123

                                Description  = 
                                TaskDue  = MM/DD/YYYY format
                                Priority  = integer 0-3 - "0":"None", "1":"Low", "2":"Medium","3":"High"
                                InsideTeamId  = retreive team via GET requestType="getTeam".
                                EstimatedTime  = interger 0-4 - "0": "None", "1": "Less than 15 Minutes", "2":"15 - 30 Minutes","3":"30 - 60 Minutes","4":"More than an hour"
                                ContactID  = 234 - ID of contact. Prepend with 'V' for vendors.
                                Completed  = yes or no


                                "{"success": true, "TaskID": 123}"

Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

Create a request including the following parameters using http DELETE to

                                requestType = "webhooks"
                                CallId = integer - unique identifier




Required OAuth scopes: 'contacts'

submit following fields using http DELETE to:

                                requestType = "removeContactNote"
                                noteID = The NoteID of the note you are removing.
                                vendor = Boolean value if this note is a vendor note (defaults to false).

Notes which have been locked cannot be removed with this method.


                                "[{"success": "true" }]"

Required OAuth scopes: 'team'

Create a request including the following parameters using http DELETE to

                                requestType = "webhooks"
                                TaskID = 123



Web Hooks

Required OAuth scopes: 'profile'

Create a request including the following parameters using http DELETE to

                                requestType = "webhooks"
                                WebhookID = 123




Required OAuth scopes: 'properties'

Create a request including the following parameters using http DELETE to

                                requestType = "deleteProperty"
                                propertyID = 123



returns on error

                                {"error":"propertyID was not found"}